Figuratively, or literally?
I’ve always thought that this statement is a figurative one: staying hungry means not getting satisfied and always aiming for more (ambition not greed). That is a recipe for continuous growth.
However, I’ve recently stumbled upon a video for the one and only Andrew Tate saying how one should stay hungry as one’s body operates at its peak performance when it’s in ‘hunting mode’, and operates in a rather lazy mode when it is full and lethargic.
He says:
You should be hungry all of the time. Your body is designed to perform at best while you are hungry because you’re supposed to be hunting for food. If you’re full of food, you’re going to be lazy and lethargic.
I’ve never thought of it that way – but I see the merit in that argument. Such an interesting insight. It is true that when I fast, opposite to what you expect happens: I perform better and stay more focused.
It is such a challenge though to go against our animalistic instinct. The voice in our head tells us to fill that gap in our stomach whenever it’s created. The best thing we can do however in the age of abundance is to fight that thought and stay hungry, in order to optimize for a healthier, happier life.
p.s. I’m not ashamed of liking what this man has to say 🙂 he’s a controversial figure, but spits facts a lot of the time. This is one of them (video here)