$2 Psychology Words: Conscientiousness & Industriousness

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Meet my new $2 words! Conscientiousness and Industriousness are very similar concepts.

Also, meet my new favorite modern psychologist! Jordan Peterson. He’s a YouTube star from the videos of his lectures and the vlogs he shares (which he records at midnight when he has thoughts keeping him awake instead of writing them down on a piece of paper).

Here are my favorite videos for Dr. Peterson. I’ve been sharing them very religiously with those I care about.

Wasting Time and Opportunities

Peterson here speaks about the “capacity” at which we work, also known as performance, which is something I’ve always thought of. He says that from his experience, most people run at about 51% of their capacity.

“I often ask undergraduates ‘How many hours a day do you waste?’ and the classic answer is something like 4-6 hours a day…”  “…That’s 25 hours a week. It’s 100 hours a month. That’s two and a half full work weeks [per month]. That’s half a year of work per year.”

Go Out and Make Something of Yourself!

Man, I love this guy’s passion. Here he speaks about hierarchies of competence and how you should aim for the top of whatever hierarchy you choose. E.g. be a plumber, but be a damn good one!

Finding a Partner and the Role of Personality

This one also resonated with me for a while. He speaks about the 5 fundamental dimensions which you measure against your partner in comparison to you. E.g. Introversion vs. Extroversion


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